Spring RestTemplate : Spring REST Client

RestTemplate is the Spring REST Client which is used to consume RESTful Web Service APIs.

RestTemplate supports HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and OPTIONS Http methods.

As part of this discussion, we will be consuming the RESTful WebServices APIs of the application already developed in Building RESTful Webservices in Spring Framework using Spring Boot with Spring JDBC

Fetching All Student Records

ResponseEntity<Student[]> studentsReponse = restTemplate.getForEntity(″http://localhost:8080/students″,Student[].class);

List<Student> students = Arrays.asList(studentsReponse.getBody());

students.forEach(x -> System.out.println(x));


Student [id=1, name=Gyanendra, age=15, weight=50]

Student [id=2, name=Rochit, age=16, weight=55]

Student [id=3, name=Virat, age=18, weight=47]

Student [id=6, name=Shyam, age=14, weight=48]

Student [id=8, name=Ravi, age=17, weight=65]

Student [id=9, name=Teja, age=14, weight=58]

Student [id=11, name=Viku, age=16, weight=44]

Student [id=12, name=Ajay, age=16, weight=44]

Student [id=15, name=Ramu, age=18, weight=47]

Student [id=20, name=Sachin, age=14, weight=50]

Student [id=21, name=Ramesh, age=14, weight=50]

Finding a Student with specified id

ResponseEntity<Student> findStudentResponse = restTemplate.getForEntity(″http://localhost:8080/students/1″,Student.class);

Student student = findStudentResponse.getBody();

System.out.println(“Student with id = 1:” + student);


Student with id = 1:Student [id=1, name=Gyanendra, age=15, weight=50]

Updating a Student with specified id

Here we have used both put and exchange APIs of RestTemplate.

ResponseEntity<Student> findStudentResponse = restTemplate.getForEntity(″http://localhost:8080/students/1″,Student.class);

Student student = findStudentResponse.getBody();

System.out.println(“Student with id = 1:” + student);

//Update Student with id =1 using exchange API



HttpEntity<Student> requestEntity = new HttpEntity<Student>(student);

ResponseEntity<Student> updatedStudentResponse = restTemplate.exchange(″http://localhost:8080/students/1″, HttpMethod.PUT, requestEntity, Student.class);

System.out.println(“Updated Student with id = 1:” + updatedStudentResponse.getBody());



//Update Student with id =1 using put API – put does not return anything

restTemplate.put(″http://localhost:8080/students/1″, student);

//Fetching student with id =1 again to see the changes

ResponseEntity<Student> updatedStudentR= restTemplate.getForEntity(http://localhost:8080/students/1,Student.class);

System.out.println(“Fetched Student with id = 1:” + updatedStudentR.getBody());


Student with id = 1:Student [id=1, name=Gyanendra, age=15, weight=50]

Updated Student with id = 1:Student [id=1, name=Gyannn, age=20, weight=50]

Fetched Student with id = 1:Student [id=1, name=Gyan, age=18, weight=50]

Create a new Student record

Student newStudent = new Student(23, “Prabhakar”, 14, 50);

ResponseEntity<Student> newStudentReponse = restTemplate.postForEntity(″http://localhost:8080/addStudent″, newStudent, Student.class);

Student createdStudent =  newStudentReponse.getBody();

System.out.println(“CreatedStudent:” + createdStudent);


CreatedStudent:Student [id=23, name=Prabhakar, age=14, weight=50]

Delete a Student with specified id


Now Fetching Students Again after all the Above Options

ResponseEntity<Student[]> studentsReponseAgain = restTemplate.getForEntity(″http://localhost:8080/students″,Student[].class);

List<Student> studentsAgain = Arrays.asList(studentsReponseAgain.getBody());

studentsAgain.forEach(x -> System.out.println(x));


Student [id=1, name=Gyan, age=18, weight=50]

Student [id=2, name=Rochit, age=16, weight=55]

Student [id=3, name=Virat, age=18, weight=47]

Student [id=8, name=Ravi, age=17, weight=65]

Student [id=9, name=Teja, age=14, weight=58]

Student [id=11, name=Viku, age=16, weight=44]

Student [id=12, name=Ajay, age=16, weight=44]

Student [id=15, name=Ramu, age=18, weight=47]

Student [id=20, name=Sachin, age=14, weight=50]

Student [id=21, name=Ramesh, age=14, weight=50]

Student [id=23, name=Prabhakar, age=14, weight=50]

Let’s look into all the components created for building the Spring REST Client.

Project Structure

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