This article aims to provide you with an overview of the top Java programs for interviews. Each program is carefully selected to cover various essential aspects of Java programming, such as data structures, algorithms, string manipulation, array manipulation, recursion, and more.
List of Java Programs for Interviews
Let’s look into the below list of Java Programs for Interviews.

- Check if String is Palindrome
- Find Factorial(n!) of a given number(n)
- Find if the input number is Prime
- Fibonacci Sequence
- Armstrong Number
- Common Elements between Two Arrays
- Find Number of Words Separated by Space in a String
- Find largest Number in an Array
- Find Smallest Number in an Array
- Find Triangle Type Based on Sides
- Check if two Strings are Anagram
- Find Common Words between two Strings
- Find Unique Characters in the String
- Find Duplicate Characters in a String
- Swapping of Two Numbers
- Create a Singly Linked List in Java
- Create Custom Doubly Linked List in Java
- Find Middle Element in a Singly Linked List
- Implement Stack using ArrayList
- Write a Java program to find the second highest number in an integer array.
- Write a Java program to implement a binary search tree.
- Write a program to implement a queue using Array.
- Write a Java program to remove duplicates from an array.
- Trie(Prefix Tree)
- Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
- Traversing a Binary tree
- Two Sum
- Reverse a String in Java