Reentrant Locks in Java Explained:Simplified Concurrency Control

In this article, we will explore the concept of Reentrant Locks, understand their benefits, and learn how to use them effectively in Java.

In multi-threaded Java applications, managing concurrent access to shared resources is crucial to ensure data consistency and avoid race conditions. Reentrant Locks provide a robust solution for controlling thread access to shared resources with their advanced features and flexibility.

Understanding Reentrant Locks in Java

What are Reentrant Locks?

Reentrant locks in Java are synchronization mechanisms that provide thread-safe access to shared resources. They allow multiple threads to access the resource concurrently while ensuring that only one thread holds the lock at a time.

Reentrant locks support reentrant behavior, which means that a thread can acquire the lock multiple times without deadlocking itself. This feature allows for more flexibility and control over concurrent access to shared resources in Java applications.

How do Reentrant Locks differ from synchronized blocks?

Reentrant locks and synchronized blocks in Java both provide mechanisms for thread synchronization and mutual exclusion. However, there are some differences between them:

  1. Flexibility: Reentrant locks offer more flexibility compared to synchronized blocks. With reentrant locks, you can acquire and release the lock at different points in your code, allowing for more fine-grained control over locking. In contrast, synchronized blocks automatically acquire and release the lock at the beginning and end of the block.
  2. Condition support: Reentrant locks provide additional features like condition support, which allows threads to wait for specific conditions to be met before proceeding. This can be useful in scenarios where threads need to wait for a certain state or event before continuing their execution. Synchronized blocks do not have built-in support for conditions.
  3. Fairness: Reentrant locks can be constructed in either fair or non-fair mode. In fair mode, the lock guarantees that the longest waiting thread will acquire the lock first when it becomes available, providing fairness among waiting threads. Synchronized blocks, on the other hand, do not have built-in fairness mechanisms.
  4. Try-locking: Reentrant locks support try-locking, which allows a thread to attempt acquiring the lock without blocking. This can be useful in cases where you want to perform an alternative action if the lock is not immediately available. Synchronized blocks do not provide a try-locking mechanism.
  5. Multiple conditions: Reentrant locks support multiple conditions associated with a single lock. This allows threads to wait and signal specific conditions, providing more flexibility in coordinating thread execution. Synchronized blocks do not have built-in support for multiple conditions.

Key features and advantages of Reentrant Locks in Java

Reentrant locks offer several advantageous features for thread synchronization:

  1. Reentrant behavior: Reentrant locks allow a thread to acquire the lock multiple times without deadlocking itself. This ensures that a thread can reacquire the lock it already holds, preventing potential deadlock situations.
  2. Mutual exclusion: Reentrant locks provide mutual exclusion, meaning that only one thread can hold the lock at a time. This ensures that critical sections of code protected by the lock are executed by a single thread at any given time, preventing race conditions and maintaining data integrity.
  3. Condition support: Reentrant locks come with built-in condition support, allowing threads to wait for specific conditions to be met before proceeding. Conditions can be used to coordinate thread execution, signal changes in state, or implement advanced synchronization patterns.
  4. Fairness options: Reentrant locks can be created in either fair or non-fair mode. In fair mode, the lock guarantees that the longest waiting thread will acquire the lock first when it becomes available, providing fairness among waiting threads. Fairness prevents thread starvation and ensure equal opportunity for all threads to acquire the lock.
  5. Try-locking: Reentrant locks support try-locking, which allows a thread to attempt acquiring the lock without blocking. The tryLock() method returns immediately with a boolean indicating whether the lock was acquired or not. This feature enables non-blocking synchronization and allows threads to take alternative actions when the lock is not immediately available.
  6. Interruptible locking: Reentrant locks provide support for interruptible locking. Threads waiting to acquire the lock can be interrupted, allowing them to respond to interruption requests and perform appropriate actions.
  7. Performance and scalability: Reentrant locks generally offer better performance and scalability compared to synchronized blocks in certain scenarios. They provide finer-grained control over locking, reducing contention and improving parallelism in highly concurrent applications.

Reentrant Lock APIs

ReentrantLock class provides a comprehensive set of APIs for working with reentrant locks. Some of the important APIs offered by the ReentrantLock class include:

  1. lock(): Acquires the lock. If the lock is not available, the calling thread will be blocked until it can acquire the lock.
  2. lockInterruptibly(): Acquires the lock, but the acquisition can be interrupted by another thread. If the lock is not available, the calling thread can be interrupted and thrown an InterruptedException.
  3. tryLock(): Attempts to acquire the lock without blocking. If the lock is available, it is acquired and true is returned. If the lock is not available, the method immediately returns false without blocking.
  4. tryLock(long timeout, TimeUnit unit): Attempts to acquire the lock within the specified timeout. If the lock is acquired within the given time, true is returned. If the lock is not available within the timeout period, false is returned.
  5. unlock(): Releases the lock. This method should always be called in a finally block to ensure the lock is properly released, even in case of exceptions.
  6. newCondition(): Creates a new Condition instance associated with the lock. Conditions are used to coordinate thread execution based on certain conditions or events.
Enable Fairness Policy

ReentrantLock class provides a fairness policy option that determines the order in which threads acquire the lock. By default, the lock operates in a non-fair mode, which means that there is no guarantee of the order in which waiting threads will acquire the lock. However, you can enable the fairness policy to ensure that threads acquire the lock in the order they requested it.

To set the fairness policy of a ReentrantLock instance, you can use the constructor or the fairLock() method. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Using the constructor:

ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(true); // true enables fairness policy

  1. Using the fairLock() method:

ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();

lock.fairLock(); // enables fairness policy

Real-world Use Cases

Reentrant locks in Java are a powerful concurrency mechanism and can be applied in various real-world scenarios where thread synchronization is required. Some common use cases for reentrant locks include:

  1. Resource Management: Reentrant locks can be used to control access to shared resources such as databases, files, or network connections. By acquiring and releasing the lock, threads can ensure exclusive access to the resource, preventing conflicts and ensuring data integrity.
  2. Producer-Consumer Problem: Reentrant locks can be employed to synchronize the interaction between producer and consumer threads. The lock can be used to guard a shared buffer, allowing producers to add items and consumers to retrieve them in a coordinated manner.
  3. Caching and Memoization: Reentrant locks can be used in caching and memoization scenarios where multiple threads may attempt to access or compute the same result simultaneously. The lock can ensure that only one thread performs the expensive computation while others wait for the result to be available.
  4. Concurrent Data Structures: Reentrant locks can be utilized in implementing concurrent data structures such as concurrent queues, lists, or maps. The lock ensures thread-safe access and modification of the data structure, enabling multiple threads to work concurrently without data corruption.
  5. Parallel Algorithms: Reentrant locks can facilitate parallel algorithms that require synchronization points or critical sections. By using locks, threads can coordinate their execution and ensure that certain parts of the algorithm are executed by one thread at a time, while others can proceed concurrently.
  6. Thread Synchronization in Libraries/Frameworks: Reentrant locks can be employed in the development of libraries or frameworks that require thread synchronization. It provides a flexible and robust mechanism to ensure thread safety and prevent data races in a concurrent environment.

Example Code

Here’s a Java sample code that demonstrates the usage of reentrant locks with fairness policy, along with lock and unlock methods:

import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

public class FairnessExample {
    private static final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(true); // Create a reentrant lock with fairness policy

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create multiple threads to simulate concurrent access
        Thread thread1 = new Thread(new Task(), "Thread 1");
        Thread thread2 = new Thread(new Task(), "Thread 2");
        Thread thread3 = new Thread(new Task(), "Thread 3");

        // Start the threads

    static class Task implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            // Acquire the lock

            try {
                // Perform some task while holding the lock
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " is executing the task.");

                // Simulate some processing time
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            } finally {
                // Release the lock

In this example, we create a ReentrantLock with a fairness policy by passing true to the constructor. The fairness policy ensures that the lock is granted in a fair manner to waiting threads.

The Task class represents the code that will be executed by multiple threads. Each thread will acquire the lock using lock.lock() before executing the task. After completing the task, the lock is released using lock.unlock().

Another Example using tryLock method

Here’s a Java sample code snippet that demonstrates the usage of tryLock() method from the ReentrantLock class:

import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

public class TryLockExample {
    private static ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create two threads
        Thread thread1 = new Thread(() -> performTask("Thread 1"));
        Thread thread2 = new Thread(() -> performTask("Thread 2"));

        // Start the threads

    private static void performTask(String threadName) {
        // Try to acquire the lock
        if (lock.tryLock()) {
            try {
                System.out.println(threadName + " acquired the lock");
                // Perform the task here
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            } finally {
                // Release the lock
                System.out.println(threadName + " released the lock");
        } else {
            System.out.println(threadName + " could not acquire the lock");
            // Perform alternative action if the lock is not available

In this code, we create a ReentrantLock instance called “lock”. Each thread tries to acquire the lock using the tryLock() method. If the lock is available, the thread enters the critical section, performs the task, and then releases the lock. If the lock is not available, the thread performs an alternative action.

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