Top Java Exception Handling Interview Questions with Answers

In the article, we will discuss some of the most commonly Java Exception Handling Interview Questions.

Java Exception Handling Interview Questions with Answers

Basic Level : Java Exception Handling Interview Questions

Let’s first discuss Basic level Java Exception Handling Interview Questions.

What is Exception Hierarchy ?

In Exception hierarchy, Throwable is at the root, with Error and Exception as its immediate subclasses. Exception is further divided into checked and unchecked exceptions.

Read More: Exception Handling in Java: Comprehensive Guide

What is Throwable?

In Java, Throwable is the root class for all exceptions and errors. It’s a fundamental class in the exception hierarchy that allows you to catch and handle various exceptional conditions that might occur during program execution. Both exceptions and errors in Java are subclasses of the Throwable class.

Read More: Exception Handling in Java: Comprehensive Guide

What is the difference between Exception vs Error?

HierarchySubclass of ThrowableAlso a subclass of Throwable
HandlingExpected to be caught and handled by codeUsually not caught or handled by normal code
ExamplesIOException, NullPointerExceptionOutOfMemoryError, StackOverflowError
Checked/UncheckedCan be checked or uncheckedUnchecked (subclasses of RuntimeException)
CauseGenerally caused by issues in applicationOften caused by serious system or JVM problems
RecoverableOften recoverable with proper handlingTypically not recoverable, indicates critical issues
ActionRequires explicit handling (try-catch)Usually not explicitly handled in code

What are the differences between Checked and UnChecked Exception ?

This is the most frequently asked Java Exception Handling Interview Questions.

AspectChecked ExceptionUnchecked Exception
HandlingMust be caught or declared using throwsOptional to catch or declare
ExamplesIOException, SQLExceptionNullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException
InheritanceSubclass of ExceptionSubclass of RuntimeException
Caused ByUsually caused by external factors or input validationOften caused by issues within the code
RecoveryOften recoverable with proper handlingMay or may not be recoverable
Compile-Time CheckCompiler enforces handling or declarationNo compile-time enforcement
ActionEncourages explicit handling in codeHandling is not mandatory in code

Read More : Difference between Checked and Unchecked Exception in Java

How to create Custom Exceptions ?

Creating custom exceptions in Java involves extending existing exception classes (like Exception or its subclasses) to define specialized exception types.

Read More : Custom Exception in Java

throw vs throws

Please read throw and throws

try, catch, and finally

Please read try, catch, and finally

List of Common Checked Exceptions

Please read Common Checked Exceptions

List of Common Unchecked Exceptions

Please read Common Unchecked Exceptions

List of Common Errors

Please read Common Errors

What do you understand by Exception Propagation?

Exception Propagation refers to the process in which an exception, thrown in a method, is propagated or passed to its caller method or the calling code. If an exception is not caught and handled within a method, it’s propagated up the call stack to the methods that invoked the current method. This continues until the exception is caught and handled, or until it reaches the top-level method (such as the main method), where unhandled exceptions might result in the termination of the program.

Read More Exception Propagation

Can you catch multiple exceptions in a single catch block?

Yes, you can catch multiple exceptions using a single catch block by separating the exception classes with the pipe | symbol.

public class MultiExceptionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3 };
            System.out.println(numbers[5]); // This will throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | NullPointerException e) {
            System.out.println("Caught exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName());

Advanced Level : Java Exception Handling Interview Questions

Now, let’s discuss Advanced level Java Exception Handling Interview Questions.

ClassNotFoundException vs NoClassDefFoundError

Please Read ClassNotFoundException vs NoClassDefFoundError

What is the purpose of try-with-resources statement?

The try-with-resources statement is a feature introduced in Java 7 that simplifies resource management by automatically closing resources that implement the AutoCloseable or interface. It ensures that resources are properly closed, whether the code within the try block completes normally or an exception is thrown.

The syntax of the try-with-resources statement is as follows:

try (ResourceType resource1 = new ResourceType();
     ResourceType resource2 = new ResourceType()) {
    // Code that uses the resources
} catch (ExceptionType e) {
    // Exception handling

In this structure:

  • You declare and initialize the resources you want to use inside the parentheses after the try keyword.
  • The resources are automatically closed when the try block is exited, regardless of whether the block is exited normally or due to an exception.
  • The resources are effectively final, meaning they cannot be reassigned within the block.
  • You can catch and handle exceptions that might be thrown during the use of resources.

Read More : Try with Resources

What is Exception Chaining?

Exception chaining allows you to associate one exception with another, providing more detailed information about the cause of the exception. It was introduced in Java 7 and can be helpful in diagnosing and debugging issues.

Here’s an example:

public class ExceptionChainingExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            int result = divide(10, 0);
            System.out.println("Result: " + result);
        } catch (ArithmeticException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("An error occurred while performing the division.", e);

    public static int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
        return dividend / divisor;

In this example, when a division by zero occurs in the divide method, an ArithmeticException is thrown. In the catch block, we’re throwing a RuntimeException while chaining the original ArithmeticException as the cause. This way, the information about the original exception is preserved, aiding in better error diagnosis.

What is the purpose of the getSuppressed() method in Java exceptions?

The getSuppressed() method in Java exceptions is used to retrieve an array of suppressed exceptions that were added to the current exception using the addSuppressed() method. This is particularly useful when handling exceptions that might occur during resource cleanup, such as in a try-with-resources statement.

Here’s an example:

public class SuppressedExceptionsExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (ResourceA a = new ResourceA(); ResourceB b = new ResourceB()) {
            throw new Exception("Primary Exception");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Throwable[] suppressed = e.getSuppressed();
            for (Throwable suppressedException : suppressed) {
                System.out.println("Suppressed: " + suppressedException.getMessage());

class ResourceA implements AutoCloseable {
    public void close() throws Exception {
        throw new Exception("Exception in ResourceA");

class ResourceB implements AutoCloseable {
    public void close() throws Exception {
        throw new Exception("Exception in ResourceB");

In this example, the SuppressedExceptionsExample demonstrates how suppressed exceptions can be accessed using the getSuppressed() method. The ResourceA and ResourceB classes simulate resources with exceptions during their closure. When an exception is thrown in the try block, the suppressed exceptions from both resources are collected and printed within the catch block.

Conclusion: Java Exception Handling Interview Questions with Answers

In this article, we explored a wide range of Java Exception Handling Interview Questions, addressing both basic and advanced-level concepts.

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