Let’s discuss some of the important JVM arguments.
Heap Size
Please visit Heap for better understanding of the below arguments.

Non Heap Size – Method Area
Please visit the Method Area for better understanding of the below arguments.
Print GC Activities
This JVM option is used to enable Garbage collection logging in your Java application
It will simply print a message out every time a garbage collection event is performed.
includes the data from -verbose:gc but also adds information about the size of the new generation and more accurate timings.
Print timestamps at garbage collection.
Specify Garbage Collector (GC) Type
JVM provide following type of Gargabe collector
- Serial Garbage Collector (-XX:+UseSerialGC)
- Parallel Garbage Collector (-XX:+UseParallelGC)
- CMS Garbage Collector (XX:+USeParNewGC)
- G1 Garbage Collector (XX:+USeG1GC)
Handling Out of Memory
This JVM option creates a heap dump when your JVM dies with OutOfMemory Error. This flag is a must for production systems as it is often the only way to further analyze the problem. It instructs the JVM to dump heap into physical file in case of OutOfMemoryError
The heap dump will be generated in the current directory of the JVM by default.
If you want to create heap dumps on specific directory then use -XX:HeapDumpPath=[path-to-heap-dump-directory]
e.g. -XX:HeapDumpPath=/dsk/heap/dumps.
This is used to issue emergency commands to be executed in case of out of memory error; proper command should be used in the space of cmd args.
This is a policy that limits the proportion of the VM’s time that is spent in GC before an OutOfMemory error is thrown
Trace classloading and unloading
-XX:+TraceClassLoading and -XX:+TraceClassUnloading are two JVM options that we use to print logging information whenever classes loads into JVM or unload from JVM.
Enables caching of commonly allocated strings. This option was removed from JDK 8 with no replacement.
This prints out the name of each Java method Hotspot decides to JIT compile.