Exploring Coalesce Function in SQL with Examples

In this article, we will explore “Coalesce Function in SQL” with various Examples. Let’s get started.

Coalesce Function in SQL

What is Coalesce Function in SQL ?

The COALESCE function in SQL is used to return the first non-null value from a list of expressions. It is often used to provide a default value when a column contains null data. The syntax for COALESCE is consistent across various database management systems (DBMS) like MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server.

Simple Coalesce Function in SQL Example

Suppose we have a table called orders with the following data:

| order_id | ship_date |
| 1        | 2023-01-15|
| 2        | NULL      |
| 3        | 2023-02-20|
| 4        | NULL      |

In MySQL, you can use the COALESCE function as follows:

SELECT order_id, COALESCE(ship_date, 'N/A') AS actual_ship_date
FROM orders;

The output will replace null values in the ship_date column with “N/A”:

| order_id | actual_ship_date|
| 1        | 2023-01-15      |
| 2        | N/A             |
| 3        | 2023-02-20      |
| 4        | N/A             |

Use Cases of Coalesce Function in SQL

The COALESCE function in SQL is a versatile tool used to handle null values and provide default values when dealing with data. It can be applied in various use cases to make queries more robust and informative. Here are some common use cases for the COALESCE function:

Replacing Null Values

  • When a column contains null values, you can use COALESCE to replace them with meaningful default values or placeholders.
  • Example: Display “N/A” for null values in a column. This is already discussed in the below section.
Simple Coalesce in SQL Example

Handling Conditional Data

  • COALESCE can be used to choose a non-null value from a list of columns, providing a fallback option when the first column is null.
  • Example: Select a phone number for a contact, but use an alternative email if the phone number is null.

Suppose you have a table named contacts with the following sample data:

1John DoeNULLjohndoe@email.com
2Jane Smith555-123-4567NULL
3Bob JohnsonNULLbob@email.com
4Alice Brown555-987-6543alice@email.com
5Carol WhiteNULLcarol@email.com

You want to select the contact’s name and contact information, prioritizing the phone number but using the email if the phone number is null. Here’s the SQL query to achieve this:

SELECT contact_name, COALESCE(phone_number, email) AS contact_info
FROM contacts;

The COALESCE function will choose the first non-null value from phone_number and email for each contact. Here’s the expected output:

John Doejohndoe@email.com
Jane Smith555-123-4567
Bob Johnsonbob@email.com
Alice Brown555-987-6543
Carol Whitecarol@email.com

As you can see, the query selects the contact’s name and contact information, using the phone number if available and falling back to the email if the phone number is null. This allows you to handle conditional data effectively in your SQL queries.

Displaying Aggregated Results

  • In aggregate queries, COALESCE can help handle null values within the aggregation, ensuring the result is meaningful.
  • Example: Display “0” instead of null for the total sales of products within a category.

Suppose you have a table named product_sales with the following sample data:


You want to calculate the total sales amount for each category and display “0” instead of NULL if there are no sales for a category. We can use the below query.

SELECT category, COALESCE(SUM(sales_amount), 0) AS total_sales
FROM product_sales
GROUP BY category;

This will produce the below result.


As you can see, the total sales for the “Clothing” category, where sales_amount is NULL, is displayed as “0” in the output.

Conclusion: Coalesce Function in SQL

In conclusion, the COALESCE function in SQL is a valuable tool for handling null values and providing default values or fallback options when dealing with data. It allows you to make your queries more robust and informative. In this article, we explored the COALESCE function with various examples.

Key Takeaways:

  1. COALESCE Function: COALESCE is used to return the first non-null value from a list of expressions.
  2. Replacing Null Values: It can be used to replace null values in a column with meaningful default values or placeholders.
  3. Handling Conditional Data: COALESCE can prioritize one column over another, providing a fallback option when the preferred column is null. This is especially useful for handling conditional data effectively.
  4. Displaying Aggregated Results: In aggregate queries, COALESCE ensures that null values within the aggregation are replaced with meaningful values, making the results more informative.

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