Outer Join in SQL: Comprehensive Guide

In this article, we will delve into the concept of “Outer Join” in SQL, exploring its syntax, types, and key differences when compared to “Inner Join.”

Outer Join in SQL

What is Outer Join in SQL ?

An outer join in SQL is used to retrieve data from multiple tables while including unmatched rows from one or both tables in the result set. It’s particularly useful when you want to preserve data from one table while joining it with another.

Types of Outer Join in SQL

  1. LEFT OUTER JOIN (or LEFT JOIN): Retrieves all records from the left table (table1) and matching records from the right table (table2). Unmatched rows from the left table contain NULL values for columns from the right table. Read More : Left Join in SQL with Examples
  2. RIGHT OUTER JOIN (or RIGHT JOIN): Retrieves all records from the right table (table2) and matching records from the left table (table1). Unmatched rows from the right table contain NULL values for columns from the left table. Read More : Right Join in SQL: Comprehensive Guide with Examples
  3. FULL OUTER JOIN (or FULL JOIN): Retrieves all records from both the left table (table1) and the right table (table2). Unmatched rows from either table contain NULL values for columns from the other table. Read More:Full Join in SQL: Comprehensive Guide

Syntax of Outer Join in SQL

The basic syntax of an outer join in SQL varies depending on the specific type of outer join you want to use. There are three common types: LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, and FULL OUTER JOIN. Here’s the syntax for each:


SELECT columns FROM table1 LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 ON table1.column = table2.column;


SELECT columns FROM table1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN table2 ON table1.column = table2.column;


SELECT columns FROM table1 FULL OUTER JOIN table2 ON table1.column = table2.column;

Inner Join vs Outer Join in SQL

AspectInner JoinOuter Join (LEFT, RIGHT, FULL)
Retrieves DataOnly matching rows from both tables.Matching rows and includes unmatched rows.
Unmatched RowsExcludes unmatched rows.May contain NULL values for unmatched rows.
Result Set ContentsData where there is a match in both tables.Preserves data from one or both tables.

When to use Outer Join in SQL ?

You should use an OUTER JOIN (LEFT, RIGHT, or FULL) in SQL when you want to retrieve data from multiple tables while including unmatched rows from one or both tables in the result set. Here are specific scenarios when you should consider using an OUTER JOIN:

  1. Preserve Data Integrity:
    • Use OUTER JOINs to preserve data from one or both tables, even when there are no matching records. This ensures that you don’t lose any valuable information during the join operation.
  2. Analyze Data Discrepancies:
    • When comparing two datasets or tables and you want to identify differences or missing data, OUTER JOINs can help by including unmatched rows and representing them with NULL values.
  3. Retrieve All Data from One Table:
    • If you need to retrieve all records from one table and only the matching records from another, OUTER JOINs ensure that you get all records from the specified table.
  4. Handle Optional Relationships:
    • When dealing with optional or one-to-many relationships between tables, you may want to see all records from one side, even if there are no matches on the other side. OUTER JOINs allow you to achieve this.
  5. Union of Data from Multiple Sources:
    • In situations where you have data from multiple sources and you want to combine them into a single result set, OUTER JOINs help ensure that you include all records from all sources, filling in the gaps with NULL values where necessary.
  6. Handle Missing Data:
    • If you’re working with data where some records might have missing or NULL values in certain columns, OUTER JOINs help you include those records in your result set while filling in the gaps with NULL values from the other table.

Conclusion : Outer Join in SQL

This article has been a comprehensive guide to understanding the essence of Outer Join in SQL. We’ve covered the primary types, syntax, and key distinctions compared to Inner Join. Importantly, we’ve highlighted scenarios where Outer Join proves invaluable, from preserving data integrity to handling optional relationships and uncovering data discrepancies. Armed with this knowledge, you’re well-prepared to harness the power of Outer Join for effective data retrieval and analysis in SQL.

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